
Sunday, May 29, 2005

Memorial Day

A pretty somber day, or at least I think it should be. The best place to hang out locally is probably the Falls Church parade, (thanks to Rick & Susan for cluing me into this). It may well be one of the last vestiges of small town Americana left in the region. It is a touching example of people remembering the sacrifice of others and celebrating what it has provided us. High school bands, local pols, childrens' clubs and Shriners in funny cars - Falls Church has it all. It's small, it's corny, and it's moving. (Anyone who doesn't understand this last statement need not bother going - the parade will be meaningless to you).
D.C. celebrates in a different way - Rolling Thunder. I suppose it's churlish of me, but this thing irritates me more and more with each passing year. Every May, a half million people from the hinterland converge on us, convinced that traffic around here just isn't bad enough yet. Whole sections of the region are blocked off, (creating massive traffic jams), so that all these guys can publicly demonstrate their mid-life crises by parading around on Harleys which they needlessly rev at a rate of once every 3 seconds. Each is apparently required by law to display a patch, flag, bumper sticker, or tattoo about the non-existent POW/MIA "issue". I've read extensively about the arguments for still held POWS in Viet Nam, and the reasoning I've seen would embarrass a palmist or tarot card reader with their "evidence", "witnesses", and logic flow. I will leave to psychologists as to why people need to believe in this, and insist on promoting it by buying into biker culture, (What, were all these supposed POWs cyclists? Didn't anyone drive Chevys or a Rambler?). At any rate, thanks for the gridlock and the pointless mythology, guys; now please, go back to the barcaloungers and leave me with my parade of real people.


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