
Saturday, September 10, 2005

Come Saturday Morning...

I suppose I've always been a little off kilter (I can see the nodding heads as I write this). Some folks associate personal beginnings with January First. And others will identify it with Spring. But for me, it's around this time of year. I'm sure it's because of the memories of school starting in September. You meet new people and situations, etc., etc. It's another plunge into life. (Another little irony in my life - how something that I'm at best ambivalent about continues to influence me.) I'm a little curious to see if any of you have been similarly imprinted.
At any rate, as I hobble into middle age, I still feel these little tugs every September as if I were about to start some new year at school, with all the attendant adventures. One of these little thought forms centers around the now old movie and book- The Sterile Cuckoo. Each has its strengths, although I prefer the film. Liza Minnelli was nominated for an Oscar for her performance and should have gotten it. My understanding is that this is the film role she is most proud of - and it should be . She is simply magnificent and unforgettable. To make a long and interesting story as short as possible, this is all about a college romance, (starting about this time of year). It is so accurate in so many ways. One won't necessarily identify with each of the characters and/or situations. But the whole thing rings true, nevertheless. It captures the weirdness, the embarrassment, and the sweet awkwardness of the times. And although some folks hate the soundtrack, I've always been a fan of the Sandpipers work here. They too capture a certain innocence that makes the film that much better and identifiable. I won't go into long detail here, I don't think I'd successfully convey how neat either book or film are. You'll just have to check 'em out yourself.
As I type this, I've a feeling that I'm addressing two audiences - those who know what I'm talking about, and those who never will. To the latter group, I can only say that it's another of those little building blocks that you've missed out on, (perhaps to your detriment). To the rest, it's interesting recalling those events in our lives, even valuable, yet we must move on. But we will remember, long after Saturday's gone...


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