Phil Ochs 65th Birthday Bash - Live!!!
Thursday night December 22 thru Friday morning December23Broadcast LIVE from Sixth Street Community Center WithHost Bob Fass, and many notable performers and guestsThis month marks what would have been the 65th birthdayof Phil Ochs, one of the great songsters of the 1960'santiwar movement. In the spirit of WBAI's longtradition of innovative and rabble-rousing radio, we'dlike to invite you to what is sure to be a memorablelate-night LIVE broadcast of "Radio UnNameable" hostedby the legendary Bob Fass at the Sixth Street CommunityCenter, commemorating Phil Ochs' birthday.Numerous "walk-on" musicians and surprise guests willperform Phil Ochs' songs and talk about his life. Theshow will be broadcast live over WBAI (99.5 FM) duringBob Fass's regular weekly late-night timeslot.
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