
Sunday, January 06, 2008

another year, and the search continues...

To say one is a collector isn't enough. For to be a good collector one must also be a good hunter. And over the years, if I may say so, I've been a very good hunter indeed. Especially when it comes to the music I enjoy. REM's ultra-rare original version of "Sitting Still", Lick the Tins cover of I Can't Help Falling In Love With You, the almost unheard-of soundtrack to "No Go", the Slickee Boys Christmas single, Bruce Springsteen's answering machine recording - all have succumbed to my patience, my perseverance, and my near-psychotic devotion. The same can be said of my collections of books, magazines, and pop ephemera. And over the years many of you have helped me - with my eternal gratitude.
But to date, two things have really eluded me. And I am asking your help, dear reader. The first recording I only found out about four years ago on a pop station on It was a single released on the Sire label around 1972. It's title was "Something's Gone" by an American group called The Jam, (no - not the much more famous British group of 1977). It's a wonderful power pop song with a near-perfect mid-Sixties feel to it. A minor masterpiece. But I can't find the single anywhere, nor can I find any reference to the group. It's as if they never existed.
The second recording involves my longest search - ever. About 35 years ago, our local radio station, WHFS, used to play a version of I Am The Walrus performed by a group of children. I seem to remember the claim that it had been produced by John Lennon, (but won't swear to that). It was both haunting and amusing. And I can't find it. Can't even find a reference to the damned thing. A few years ago, I went to some ultra-Beatles website that claimed to know everything about everything and listed email addresses to all their experts on all things Beatles, even broke it down as to who knew what, etc. I wrote to the two clowns who claimed omnipotence on recordings about my quest, and the cowards never replied, obviously stumped.
And so I come to you, dear readers. Please. If you know anything about either of these recordings, please let me know. If you know someone who might know - please ask them. Whenever you find yourself in a used record store - please ask. I am not a wealthy man, but these records are so unknown that they can't be selling at collector's prices - no one knows about them!
Thanks in advance. Let's see what 2008 turns up...


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