
Saturday, April 19, 2008

Whoop-ee-ti-yi-o! Get along little doggies!

As many of you know, my maternal grandparents were small-time dirt farmers and ranchers out in Western Colorado. Their brand was the Lazy W Quarter Circle, (reproduced below with a big thanks to my friend John for the jpeg!). The brand is still active in that state. It's registered under the names of three of my first cousins once removed, (a fact I am mighty jealous of). But it turns out that the Old Dominion also allows registered brands, and I (and my brother) have done so - Registry #125). The Lazy W Quarter Circle rides again! I even had a couple of smaller brands constructed by these nice folks:

I confess that it's amusing, sitting here along the Beltway, filling out a questionaire about exactly what part of the cows I plan on burning the brand on, etc. Meanwhile, there are plenty of stray cats and children in the neighborhood; round-up time is going to be amusing..


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