
Sunday, December 06, 2009

Trying to vanish in a hi-tech environment

Interesting experiment, but not really off the grid at all, when you come down to it. Several decades ago, there was a rather low-level and lose collection of hippies and survivalists trying to do the same thing. My memory fades, but I believe this mini-movement (I'd hardly call it organized, and even my description seems too formal), was called something like Vonu, (that's probably wrong...). It was sort of a Ted Kaczynski-sytle thing. I got the impression of a few hermits living in shacks and old trailers in the backways of America's deep woods and deserts, trading info on how to avoid paying taxes, etc or leaving any paper trail to be followed or found. As I remember it, the few bits of articles they were producing sort of declined to nothing, implying some gave up and/or totally succeeded.


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