
Sunday, February 21, 2010

False promises

It was a nice day today. We actually got over fifty degrees and one could see/hear melting everywhere, (unfortunately, the Manor is heavily shaded with a Northern exposure and the thaw here was minimal - we will have snow till April). Those areas that were plowed and/or shovelled are now clear, (we're still left with quite a bit of snow, though, on the shoulders of streets, etc.). It was just pleasant to see the sun and not have to go outside bundled up like one of Peary's expedition members.
Oh, I know that the gods are a cruel and treacherous lot, and I am knowledgeable as to their ways. We've still got a good five weeks of Winter yet to go. This is but a tease to lull us into a sense of complacency. The more daring forecasts are already claiming a brutal March, perhaps as bad as February. But, at least for today, things were manageable. This time of year always reminds me of Buckingham & Nicks, and the later Fleetwood Mac recordings; perhaps because many of them were either released or promoted around now. Enjoy. (Very nice version...)

See ya tomorrow...


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