
Thursday, August 19, 2010

new evidence of hitler's life during WWI

Interesting. Some of it isn't particularly surprising - it's easy to assume that he was an obnoxious nut. But....I am not an expert on the dangers and duties of regimental runners in WWI, but am somewhat doubtful that they were not in danger. Barring evidence to the contrary, I'd strongly assume they'd be delivering many messages both to the front and to the rear, and that many of those messages to the front would be to the company level, which is to say: braving enemy fire. I look forward to further clarification on this and one final question - if adolf was always cowering in the rear, how did he get gassed? I ask these questions not because of any need to glorify the man, (I think anyone who knows me or regularly reads this little blog would have had more than ample evidence to the contrary), but because I believe in accuracy, even if it involves monsters.


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