
Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Bruce performs Racing In The Street

It was when this song came out. The racing scene was going hot and heavy in PG county. One would go to some little shopping center parking lot, (for the life of me I can't remember the name or location). There'd be hundreds of people hanging out, drinking, smoking, etc. They'd pour out of "old" PG - places like Indian Head and Accokeek and the wooded swamps between, (now all transofrmed into suburban sprawl, I'm sure). . And around 1AM the bets would be made and the hardier souls would go off to 295. They'd block off the highway (!) and drag. I never travelled down to those events - that's not me, and it ain't worth getting arrested for, in my opinion. But I always remember those times when I hear this tune, and I think it nicely captures the quiet desperation of that scene and the people in it.


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