
Monday, October 04, 2010


I remember many years ago when someone took the time out to analyze a photo of the medal encrusted vest of another dictator, the cannibalistic Idi "Hamburger Helper" Amin.  Some of the medals were determined just to be made up entirely, but one was for the Mercedes Benz owner's club!  We may now add the Nebraska Navy* to the list of tinpot dictators' many aspirations.  To quote Bugs - "What a maroon!"

*This reminds me of a little irony of WWII. During that time, the nazi ally (and land-locked country) Hungary was ruled by Admiral Horthy.  Of course, he'd gained his rank years earlier while serving in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, (which DID have a seacoast and navy...).  But it does look a little odd when studying things in the 1940's.


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