
Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Wuss America confronts THE THREAT

     Show me the worst, most spoiled, most thin-skinned, and biggest baby-assed little hitler - and I'll show you a school administrator.  I have said before and will say again that under today's "boy-in-the-bubble" climate, I never would have made it in school past third grade.  Hell, we had gravel fights in third grade during recess, (I was 7 - half the age of this dreaded ninja of Spotsylvania).  And we're not talking millimeter-sized "pellets*", either.
     And have you noticed how both the Spotsylvania Commissariate as well as the pups at the Post go through hoops to avoid an accurate naming of this veritablele Scythe Of Doom that the kid was using?  Well, I'm not - it's a homemade pea shooter.  Nothing more.  A toy right out of "Our Gang", and a staple of 1930's slapstick.  BFD.  Thanks, Spotsylvania.  Thanks for saving us all from an episode with Spanky and Buckwheat.  I feel so much safer than I did a few minutes ago.
     I will point out the real purpose of all of this - look how many otherwise worthless bureaucrats are kept employed dealing with this whole brouhaha.  I bet hundreds of man hours were wasted in this investigation, (it reminds me of Arlo's description of the police efforts in the Alice's Restaurant Massacree).  And now, the kid is to go through a YEAR LONG "Diversionary Program".  How many social worker's hours does it take to teach a kid not to show a pea shooter anywhere within sight of a bed-wetting school bureaucrat?  I bet half of Spotsylvania's government budget is now tied up dealing with the "Pea Shooter Threat".  Beats workin'...
     In closing, I will direct your attention to a scene from Horse Feathers, one of my all-time favorite movies.  Never before did I realize how dreadfully dangerous it was.  You'll find the part about 4:30 into this film clip to be the most interesting.  But I warn you, for those of you with weak stomachs, or weak heads, (which is to say, a Spotsylvania school parasite, er, bureaucrat) - BEWARE1  BEWARE!!!!!!

*Pellets my ass. What a fucking joke.  Those WMD are nothing more than grains.  But then I suppose these scaredy-cat eunuchs are always trying to brag about size.....


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