
Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Spinners perform I'll Be Around

My fave song by them. The Spinners were one of those groups that just radiated quality and style. They were wonderful. I've written about this song in the past, (forgive me); When one is young, there are people, places, and things that form an importance beyond anything else that happens in one's lifetime. And you make promises, and commitments to them, that you will or would never do again. This tune captures that, (at least to me). A brilliant encapsulation of that rare combination of innocence,seriousness and romanticism that can only exist for a few all too brief years in one's life.  Some of you reading this were here for that, (We had some fun, didn't we?); This one's for you.  See ya tomorrow...


  • So, here I am, innocently watching and listening to this song of my youth, mourning the theft of my iphone, and my oldest son comes in and asks me WHY I'm watching the video... It's a song of growing up... of the innocence of least it is for me...silly kids...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:43 PM  

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