
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

And I'm supposed to be worried about the Post Office going under because...Why?

The headlines have been filled lately with tales of woe from the Post Office.  They're broke, and unless we throw piles of money at them, they'll disappear.  Normally, I'd care about this.  Up till recently, I've been a big supporter of a public postal system.  But that has disappeared over the last several months.  We have a neighbor whom we're socially close to, and we kind of watch over each other's places while on vacation, etc.  And we compare notes.  And the P.O. has become a hot topic.  They don't put a hold on mail when you ask them to.  Or they do put it on hold, but then give you someone else's mail when service is resumed.  A week ago, I mailed out a bunch of note cards.  They had the proper addresses, they had the proper postage, they had the proper everything.  And all of them have been returned to me - without explanation.  I even went up to the local station, and they couldn't explain it.  I tried again.  Of nine mailed out a second time, two have returned, (so far).  Again, with no explanation or reason.  I even confronted the carrier as to why this was occurring, a pointless exercise since she doesn't speak English, and I don't speak Spanish (I hate that...).  By now, I think I  know why the P.O. is out of money - they're spending it on crack. Nothing else makes sense, and certainly the perpetrators can't give me any alternative theory to go on.
What really concerns me is personal finances.  I now know that I can't count on these junkies to deliver to me all of the mail I should be getting (like bills), nor can I count on my checks in payment reaching their destination.  This can get serious.  And I'm not happy about it; and then to have the same wankers whining away about how we need to save them - well, what's in it for me?


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