
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Chaosmi - The Beaver Man

Fascinating, from a variety of angles. First of all, his seclusion is about to abruptly end. Hiker and kayakers from all over will be descending on him, now. I'm somewhat surprised that I've not heard of him before. Despite the reporters insistence, I doubt that there's miles of trails that one muse navigate to get to Chaosmi, and I am flabbergasted that more have not done so. The fact of the matter is that the river is a busy place for outdoors-people all year around. There can't be too many nooks that aren't regularly visited. I remain curious.
Finally, I will bring up one situation from decades back in my life - I knew a guy whom I'm sure was a schiz. And he claimed that was a small portion of the Potomac that radiated a power, maybe a gate to other dimensions of spheres of consciousness. And that it could (very briefly) be glimpsed from a certain site along the C&O Canal overlooking the river. I've been out there several times since, with no such phenomena occurring. But the very first time, a friend and I went out to it, and there did seem to be a very brief pause in everything around us that we both noticed.  I don't think it lasted three seconds.  But we were both very aware of it.  All sound stopped, for no apparent reason, (the Canal is VERY noisy at nightfall in the Summer, with birds, frogs and insects creating a real cacophony).  Were we simply conning ourselves?  Perhaps.  I admit the possibility.  But it was a truly spooky coincidence.
Like I said, I've never experienced such a reaction again, anywhere.  And I'd be curious if our friend Chaosmi has settled in that spot of the river to find his answers....


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