
Tuesday, December 06, 2011

hitler's hot in Qatar, apparently

My ol' penpal, Infidel757, just posted a disturbing story about Russian nazis. And now this. Yes, I'm sure that many Arabs are all delighted with the antisemetism,and I know that adolf wasn't above trying to gain some Arab support during the war.  But the fact of the matter is that it's well known that Germany and Italy both had imperial plans for the region, and scant regard for the people living there.  Just because someone hates who you hate doesn't mean they don't hate you just as much.  As for Virgin, I agree with the person in the article. Carry it, but don't promote the damn thing.   It's an important book and should be studied by anyone seriously interested in modern history, political philosophy, and evil, (I've read it twice).  But to make it the bluelight special...  Shame on you bastards...


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