
Monday, December 16, 2013

Anniversary of an American victory

This date marks the beginning of Germany's last great (and strategic) offensive in WWII - the Battle of the Bulge.  I consider myself something of a student of this conflict.  I won't bore you with details, (one could easily write a book); but will say that it's example explodes a variety of myths that the current crop of so-called history TV networks seem to subscribe to - that the nazis really were super men.  I, for one, am tired of seeing shows claiming that they were hours away from winning through sheer technological genius, and/or equipment, training, dedication, snazzy uniforms, etc. 
The Bulge was a near-total failure of Allied intelligence gathering and interpretation.  And it led to a massive surprise attack - no doubt about it.  But over the course of the next ten days, it showed Americans bending, but never breaking, against overwhelming odds.  It showed how brilliant we were at innovation, logistics and command, bordering if not surpassing genius.  And it showed that the Yank could go toe to toe with the nazi and win - with just as much dedication and courage as the modern propagandists for the other side now claim.  In 30 days it was over, the lines were essentially back to where they'd been on December 15th, and Germany's strategic reserve had been totally destroyed. 


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