
Sunday, December 08, 2013

Snow and DC

I have whined before how awful snowfall is to the DC area.  One of our many problems is the weatherdrones who do the predicting.  You might as well use phrenology.  Weather is a big business in the news media here.  There's over a hundred years of detailed records and experience, many dozens of local weather data gathering stations, satellites, radar, and a small army of meteorologists, each armed with gigabytes of computer programs - all of which leads to...nothing.  They can predict the weather around here with a great amount of accuracy about 3 hours ahead of time.  Which is what I can do, based upon my growing up here and recognizing simple sky patterns, the breeze and temperature, etc.  Billions of dollars and man hours for nothing, as opposed to just hanging around and being observant.  As I am typing this, the various reports all boil down to the following:
1.  We may or not see precipitation today, and it may start sometime this morning.
2.  If there is precipitation, it will either be rain, sleet or snow.
3.  If it is snow, there may be accumulations ranging from the merest dusting, to up to three inches.

Such a forecast may be made for about 99% of the days between November 1st to April 1st for our area - both past and future years.  Any day.  There is almost no way for such an alleged prediction to be totally wrong, it is so heavily couched and padded.  Gypsy fortune tellers must be wailing into their beer about how, instead of making a hundred here and there off of their scams, they could have had lucrative six figure careers, if they'd just looked skyward rather than at palms.  Pity the poor Tarot reader...


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