
Monday, December 09, 2013

Wuss America - and Wuss Huffpost

I am no fan of McDonald's, but it's the low point of wussiness to label Willard's Ronald clown as some sort of horrifying nightmare.  Sheesh!  I remember this character quite well, and it was harmless - at least as harmless as any other corporate shilling going on at the time. I'd also point out that the article implies that Willard played the character, but didn't invent him.  Wrong.  Mac owes Willard, big time, for creating their mascot.  He even still has the original costume and has joked how Micky D has offered to buy it, but won't meet his price of millions of dollars...
As for the wimps at Huffpost - grow a pair....  And, by the way, putting this under the heading of "Business" is really fucking lame - you shitting your drawers over a photo from the 60's is hardly news for capitalism, (Oops!  Didn't mean to scare you with naughty language, Huff - Sorry!  I'll pay for the underwear washing....)


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