
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Route 666
I don't think I've ever been on this road at night, but have driven it, or been a passenger, dozens of times over the course of my life, and outside of the usual numerological nonsense over 666, have never heard anything bad about it.  I'm sure there are quite a few accidents on it, both due to the usual phenomena of a very straight road that lulls drivers asleep or inattentive, as well as a large number of drunks on it.  The lack of development around it has nothing to do with monsters and hauntings, but is due to the fact that it is primarily located on the Ute Indian reservation; and, as the article points out, is pretty damn desolate.  The nearest towns of note, aren't all that big or economically exciting/secure themselves.  It is off the beaten path, and that explains much more of the economics than spooks and devil cars do. 


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