
Thursday, October 20, 2005

Happy Birthday Art Buchwald

Political humor may be the hardest to do. Many have been successful at it, but only for short amounts of time. Political humorists are almost always associated with a given period or President -and after that their humor falls short, styles and tastes change, etc. Buchwald's best times were in the 60's, particularly with Johnson and the early Nixon years. His column has slowly migrated to the back pages of the Post; but to their credit, they still keep him on - he's a DC institution and probably the only thing remaining from the pre-Watergate days of the paper. I still touch base with his column and will always have a serious soft spot in my heart for him and his writings - someday I'll go into why. But for now I'll only recommend that you check out his annual column on Thanksgiving - the Post publishes it every year and it is a minor staple in the life of old timers about the Washington area. Happy Birthday Art.


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