
Monday, October 17, 2005

a local urban legend - The Bunnyman!!!

Yes, it was around this time of year in 1970 that the Bunnyman began his reign of terror in Northern Virginia. There's been an unbelievable amount of bullshit made up about him over the years. But there is a nice site that goes over what is known and how it branched out into legend status. And it should be noted that he was never caught, and is still out there... It should also come as no surprise that the center of his activities, Guinea Road, is a VERY short distance from Blau Manor. You might say it's just a hop, skip and a jump away...

Another site of interest:


  • Rob, Didn't we see a bunnysuit on display in your Library, between the Batman cowl and the Cthlulu Mask? With a small axe covered by dark red splotches?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:07 AM  

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