
Thursday, May 31, 2007

I love guys who have more money than sense. So, Mr. Fancy Pants Millionaire "Audiophile" Doktor dropped twelve grand on JUST a pair of speakers so he could listen to simple music downloads?!? ..Snort.....Sniffle......Giggle......BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Doc, I got a formula one racer here for you to handle the drive-thru window at McDonalds! While we're at it, let me sell you some gold leaf toilet paper and maybe a whoopee cushion made from mink. In the famous words of Bugs Bunny - What a maroon! Dr. Patel, I've got a bridge to sell you that you're just gonna love!

(For those of you not in on the joke - EVERYTHING about digital music in this article is at least twenty years old, the idea that there's someone out there who claims to be seriously into music, (or at the NYT), who is just figuring this out, is pretty pathetic.)


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