
Sunday, April 05, 2009

Wuss America

I know that you, dear reader, will be as relieved as I am that the dread curse of shared cough drops is being met head-on here in the nation's wealthiest county. Clearly, the recession has just not worked - not tossing enough people out of jobs and onto heat grates that we are still paying bureaucrats and politicians money to worry about such earth-shaking challenges to our moral fiber. It is all the more amusing because the effects seem to be the opposite of what is proclaimed - as up and coming generations seem less and less educated and less prepared by their so-called educational experiences to meet the challenges that face them. Apparently, the absence of cough drops and birth control pills is not having the desired effect, (or perhaps it is - reducing the younger generations to quivering masses of ignorant and over-protected brats incapable of competing with the rest of us in a tight job market. Hmmm, maybe this isn't such a bad education system, after all....).
The final joke is that these policies are set up by parents, bureaucrats and politicians who are themselves almost all baby boomers and Gen Xers. Which is to say that they grew up with ten times the amount of freedom that they allow their own offspring; and were frequently surrounded in a haze of marijuana smoke, with purses and backpacks jingling with the sound of a hundred different pills, jars and bottles.
When and why did my contemporaries becomes such a mob of whiny, hypocritical snitches, 'fraidy-cats and wuss-ass nannies?


  • I think you hit the nail on the head on alot of this.I dont know about"cough drops"? I dont think I heard anything about them? I dont ever use them myself...besides in elementary school I guess, I ate a few of them cherry ones as candy in class. Especially on the "freedom" end, man oh man...what folk's consider as freedom today is a joke, yet they run around like slap happy jackasses cheering that their free. I have alway's said...most folk's wouldnt know freedom if it slapped them in the goddamn face.Many folk's are afraid to even say what's actually on their mind's...and it get's worse as the year's go on. Marilyn Manson(Bryan Warner) sum's it up simple and perfectly in one of Anton LaVey's last book's(cant recall the title off the top of my head even though I have it somewhere's in these ruin's)in the forward he say's..."In a society so full of shit..." People wonder how come these who dictate are so bold to do what they do right out in plain sight? Look at the way we goddamn why? Like a bunch of f'n frightened pansies.The title here that you posted is simple and say's it all..."Wuss America"

    Thank You Sir!

    By Blogger Ranch Chimp, at 1:24 PM  

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