
Wednesday, May 05, 2010

I am beginning to hate Facebook

I've been on it for about nine months now. The good thing is that it has provided a nice means of keeping up with friends, acquaintances and relatives whom I might not have had the opportunity with through other media. But every month or so it seems I have to go through hoops, both linguistic and electronic, to set (reset) privacy settings. The GUI stinks. It's confusing, messy, inconsistent (a clickable symbol on one screen means something else on another,), and unbelievably unintuitive. I could design a better screen in 5 minutes. So could you. The only good thing about all of this is finding out that the Post's Donny Graham is one of the directors, I hate that douche bag, and it's nice to see that he's a consistent asshole and proponent of cheapness and shoddiness wherever he squats.
At this point, I have no idea what my privacy settings are, really. Like one of the people in the above article, my profile doesn't reflect the privacy settings that I have - the whole thing seems to be a scam. I still don't understand what "Like" means, it appears to be another case of having different definitions depending on the mood of the cretins that designed the thing; and I am now caught with enjoying the communication with my friends while hating the application itself. I am about two incidents away from hanging it up, that's how bad it's gotten. Pity, because there's real value in this for me. And the owners are killing it.


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