It's gotta be tough. As a young athlete, the world is your oyster - money and adulation are rolling in, etc. But finally age and decay catch up, and you're on the outs. The money doesn't last, and the fame plays out. Soon, you can't even get hired to help open a used car lot. And it went so fast! And then some rich boy's flack comes along, tells you all the things you want to hear - you're an icon, a role model, someone who's
needed; and they flash some serious money. What do you do? Well, you'd do anything. Because you feel that you've got nothin', not like when you were in your twenties. And so you memorize the talking points, and you go out and SELL. And suddenly, you're being interviewed again, and the people who've been paid to come see you give you complements, listen to what you're saying and ask for your autograph. Just like old times! You really get into the sell. It last a year, maybe two; but sooner or later the plan plays out, the flack lets you go as he moves on to new lies. In the end the shilling of offensiveness doesn't work, and you're left back where you started, but with one more affliction. You're no longer just an ex-jock. You're now little danny's ex-whore. Enjoy the ride, boys....