As most of you know, Autumn is my favorite time of year. But as I grow older, the period right now begins to rival it. Those days between May Day and the Solstice seem more and more valuable to me, I just love the way the light is, particularly the long shadows it casts in the early evening. The bug count is still low, (at least around here), the plants are all fresh and not yet forming a jungle. One can
just start to get some fresh produce at the farmers' markets, and a small flood of pleasant memories come seeping out of my brain.
It's a time when school would be ending. Sweet freedom! And it usually meant a vacation to Colorado. Just those two events alone would be enough nostalgia to make it a favorite time for me. But there's a lot of little chapters left, even so. In my childhood it meant picking strawberries out at our friends Christine and DeEarle's farm - long since paved over in the suburban sprawl. Or sitting on my Uncle Harry's front walkway, watching the sun go down, with its last rays bathing the Rocky Mountains in the background. It could mean hunting for box turtles, or pic-nicing at Mt. Vernon. Later on, it might be having my friend Millie drive all the neighborhood kids up to 7/11 (with her Brand New Drivers License!) for Slurpee's; or playing Cleeba (a local game) at night and keeping the whole area awake with our shouts and taunts. And later still, this time meant canoeing on the C&O or traipsing through Gtown; heading out to hear bad folk music at the Iguana Club, or getting lost with my friend Rick on some Hunter Thompson-esque sojourn in search of the next party. Some nice days.
Here's some tunes.